Born in São Paulo/SP in 1979, he is a visual artist and poet. He graduated in Social Communication from FAAP. He is interested in the word and its possible visualities and in the relationship between walking and making mistakes as the construction of a new landscape. He works with objects, sculptures, artist’s books, texts and installations in which he uses raw materials usually found on the streets, beaches and forests.

She has held five solo exhibitions, most notably eu,mesmo:outro , in 2016, in which she explored the possibilities of translation, both between languages and between languages, a subject still present in her research. In 2022, in his most recent exhibition ps. nos achamentos do chão foram também encontrados os mistérios do voo, he brought together a series of installation works, some with an interactive proposal, which were linked to his drifts, readings and the transformation of ordinary objects into ‘sacred’ elements.

He experiments with long walks as a way of researching the subjective, turning drifting and wandering into an artistic act, eventually materialised through objects, texts, drawings and installations.

He is currently pursuing his research and fascination with artistically stitching together these ends: the book and the road, the word and displacement.


Latest exhibitions
Look Well at the Mountains (group show, Galeria Quadra, curated by Camila Becheleny)
Bloco Testemunho (group show, Pavilhão BV, curated by Mariana Tassinari)
Apaixonados (group show, Acervo Andréa e José Olympio Pereira, curated by Jacopo Crivelli Visconti)
Ps. In the Findings of the Ground Were Also Found the Mysteries of Flight (solo show, Galeria Sé)
Arte Natureza: Ressignificar para Viver (collective, SP ARTE, curated by Ana Carolina Ralston).

Born in São Paulo/SP in 1979, he is a visual artist and poet. He graduated in Social Communication from FAAP. He is interested in the word and its possible visualities and in the relationship between walking and making mistakes as the construction of a new landscape. He works with objects, sculptures, artist’s books, texts and installations in which he uses raw materials usually found on the streets, beaches and forests.

She has held five solo exhibitions, most notably eu,mesmo:outro , in 2016, in which she explored the possibilities of translation, both between languages and between languages, a subject still present in her research. In 2022, in his most recent exhibition ps. nos achamentos do chão foram também encontrados os mistérios do voo, he brought together a series of installation works, some with an interactive proposal, which were linked to his drifts, readings and the transformation of ordinary objects into ‘sacred’ elements.

He experiments with long walks as a way of researching the subjective, turning drifting and wandering into an artistic act, eventually materialised through objects, texts, drawings and installations.

He is currently pursuing his research and fascination with artistically stitching together these ends: the book and the road, the word and displacement.


Latest exhibitions
Look Well at the Mountains (group show, Galeria Quadra, curated by Camila Becheleny)
Bloco Testemunho (group show, Pavilhão BV, curated by Mariana Tassinari)
Apaixonados (group show, Acervo Andréa e José Olympio Pereira, curated by Jacopo Crivelli Visconti)
Ps. In the Findings of the Ground Were Also Found the Mysteries of Flight (solo show, Galeria Sé)
Arte Natureza: Ressignificar para Viver (collective, SP ARTE, curated by Ana Carolina Ralston).