Artist Aline Bispo (1989, São Paulo, Brazil) bases her practice on plurality. Her research encompasses the different instances of the image. Bispo creates illustrations, where figurations of religious icons meet elements of nature and political symbols in graphic compositions, marked by colored surfaces that preserve the artist’s traits. Canvas, paper, book covers, newspaper columns, building gables, fabrics and her own body in performance are some of the possible supports for the artist, who tries not to limit herself. In her creative process, the same image can move between different media to acquire new material properties and meanings. By spreading, they refound the Brazilian imaginary based on the idea of syncretism.

Aline’s work often goes beyond traditional art spaces to meet the public in different contexts. The encounter is fundamental to the artist’s practice, which investigates themes that cross Brazil’s socio-cultural formation from the violent encounter between Europeans and Africans. Syncretism emerges as an approach to the effects of miscegenation, permeating the artist’s work with visual elements common to Christianity and Afro-diasporic religions, but with different meanings. Spirituality is present even in the elements of nature, whose ritual importance as healing and nourishment is based on ancestral knowledge.

In addition to her artistic practice, since 2020, Aline Bispo has been a trustee of the Ibirapitanga Institute, which defends democratic freedoms and practices in Brazil. Her first solo show, “A medicina rústica, pinturas de Aline Bispo”, took place at the Luis Maluf Gallery in São Paulo, Brazil (2021). She has taken part in several group exhibitions, including: “Arte na moda: MASP RENNER” at MASP, in São Paulo, Brazil (2023); “Ri depois” at FUNARTE, in São Paulo, Brazil (2023); “Dos Brasis: Arte e pensamento negro” at SESC Belenzinho, in São Paulo, Brazil (2023), and also on tour at Centro Cultural Sesc Quitandinha, in Petrópolis, Brazil (2023); ‘Mãos: 35 anos da Mão Afro-Brasileira’ at MAMSP, in São Paulo, Brazil (2023); ”Karingana: Black presences in books for children” at SESC Bom Retiro, in São Paulo, Brazil (2023); ‘Family Romance’ at Espaço 8, in São Paulo, Brazil (2023); ‘Mothers – In the imaginary of art’ at Museu Afro Brasil Emanoel Araújo, in São Paulo, Brazil (2023); ‘Women who changed 200 years’ at Caixa Cultural, in São Paulo, Brazil (2022); ”Occupation Inspired Looks: Raquel Trindade, Rainha Kambinda” at SESC 24 de Maio, in São Paulo, Brazil (2021); ‘Tenho os olhos abertos, não posso mais voltar’ at Adelina Cultural, in São Paulo, Brazil (2019); and ‘SP Arte – Showcase’ at Galeria Luis Maluf, in São Paulo, Brazil (2023).

Aline Bispo is part of the collections of the Museu de Arte de São Paulo (MASP) and the Museu de Arte Contemporânea do Rio Grande do Sul (MACRS).

1989, São Paulo, Brazil


Museu de Arte Contemporânea do Rio Grande do Sul (MACRS), Porto Alegre, Brazil [novembro]

 A Medicina Rústica: Pinturas de Aline Bispo, Galeria Luis Maluf, São Paulo, Brazil


Dos Brasis: Arte e pensamento negro, Sesc Belenzinho, São Paulo, Brazil
Karingana: Presenças negras no livro para as infâncias , Sesc Bom Retiro, São Paulo, Brazil
Romance Familiar, Espaço 8, São Paulo, Brazil
Mães – No imaginário da arte, Museu Afro Brasil Emanoel Araújo, São Paulo, Brazil

Mulheres que mudaram 200 anos, Caixa Cultural, São Paulo, Brazil
Obras – Acervo MACRS, Museu de Arte Contemporânea do Rio Grande do Sul (MACRS), Porto Alegre, Brazil
Exposição coletiva: acervo, Galeria Luis Maluf, São Paulo, Brazil
Contínua, Galeria Luis Maluf, São Paulo, Brazil

Ateliê aberto, Usina Luis Maluf, São Paulo, Brazil
Ocupação Olhares Inspirados: Raquel Trindade, Rainha Kambinda, Sesc 24 de maio, São Paulo, Brazil

O Instante já passou, Galeria Luis Maluf, São Paulo, Brazil

Tenho os olhos abertos, não posso mais voltar, Adelina Cultural, São Paulo, Brazil
Rastros, Centro Universitário Belas Artes, São Paulo, Brazil


Residência Artística, Usina Luis Maluf, São Paulo, Brazil


Quando eles chegam em casa eu fico feliz, Galeria Luis Maluf, São Paulo, Brazil

Curadora do Acervo, Instituto Ibirapitanga, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [atual]


Salvar o fogo, de Itamar Vieira Junior, Editora Todavia, São Paulo, Brazil
Festas, dramaturgias e teatros negros em São Paulo, de Jéssica Nascimento, EDUC – PUC-SP, São Paulo, Brazil

Devir Quilomba, de Mariléia de Almeida, Editora Elefante, São Paulo, Brazil
Vozes Afro-atlânticas, de Rafael Domingos Oliveira, Editora Elefante, São Paulo, Brazil
Santos de casa: Fé, crenças e festas de cada dia, de Luiz Antônio Simas, Bazar do Tempo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Serena Finitude, de Anelis Assumpção, Editora Veneta, São Paulo, Brazil

Doramar ou a Odisseia,  de Itamar Vieira Junior, Editora Todavia, São Paulo, Brazil
Sula, de Toni Morrison,  TAG Livros, Porto Alegre, Brazil

A talentosa Família Ribkins, de Ladee Hubbard, Editora paraLeLo13S, Salvador, Brazil
Dandara, de Amanda Julieta, Editora paraLeLo13S, Salvador, Brazil
The ABC’s of survival, de The National Black Child Development Institut (NBCDI), Silver Spring, United States
Por um feminismo afro-latino-americano, de Lélia Gonzalez, Companhia das letras, São Paulo, Brazil Aos dezesseis, de Annelise Heurtier, Editora do Brasil, São Paulo, Brazil
Dengos e zangas das mulheres moringa: vivências afetivo-sexuais de mulheres negras, de Bruna Cristina Jaquetto Pereira, Latin America Research Commons (LARC), Pittsburgh, United States

Torto Arado, de Itamar Vieira Junior, Editora Todavia, São Paulo, Brazil


Museu de Arte de São Paulo (MASP), São Paulo, Brazil
Museu de Arte Contemporânea do Rio Grande do Sul (MACRS), Porto Alegre, Brazil

Artist Aline Bispo (1989, São Paulo, Brazil) bases her practice on plurality. Her research encompasses the different instances of the image. Bispo creates illustrations, where figurations of religious icons meet elements of nature and political symbols in graphic compositions, marked by colored surfaces that preserve the artist’s traits. Canvas, paper, book covers, newspaper columns, building gables, fabrics and her own body in performance are some of the possible supports for the artist, who tries not to limit herself. In her creative process, the same image can move between different media to acquire new material properties and meanings. By spreading, they refound the Brazilian imaginary based on the idea of syncretism.

Aline’s work often goes beyond traditional art spaces to meet the public in different contexts. The encounter is fundamental to the artist’s practice, which investigates themes that cross Brazil’s socio-cultural formation from the violent encounter between Europeans and Africans. Syncretism emerges as an approach to the effects of miscegenation, permeating the artist’s work with visual elements common to Christianity and Afro-diasporic religions, but with different meanings. Spirituality is present even in the elements of nature, whose ritual importance as healing and nourishment is based on ancestral knowledge.

In addition to her artistic practice, since 2020, Aline Bispo has been a trustee of the Ibirapitanga Institute, which defends democratic freedoms and practices in Brazil. Her first solo show, “A medicina rústica, pinturas de Aline Bispo”, took place at the Luis Maluf Gallery in São Paulo, Brazil (2021). She has taken part in several group exhibitions, including: “Arte na moda: MASP RENNER” at MASP, in São Paulo, Brazil (2023); “Ri depois” at FUNARTE, in São Paulo, Brazil (2023); “Dos Brasis: Arte e pensamento negro” at SESC Belenzinho, in São Paulo, Brazil (2023), and also on tour at Centro Cultural Sesc Quitandinha, in Petrópolis, Brazil (2023); ‘Mãos: 35 anos da Mão Afro-Brasileira’ at MAMSP, in São Paulo, Brazil (2023); ”Karingana: Black presences in books for children” at SESC Bom Retiro, in São Paulo, Brazil (2023); ‘Family Romance’ at Espaço 8, in São Paulo, Brazil (2023); ‘Mothers – In the imaginary of art’ at Museu Afro Brasil Emanoel Araújo, in São Paulo, Brazil (2023); ‘Women who changed 200 years’ at Caixa Cultural, in São Paulo, Brazil (2022); ”Occupation Inspired Looks: Raquel Trindade, Rainha Kambinda” at SESC 24 de Maio, in São Paulo, Brazil (2021); ‘Tenho os olhos abertos, não posso mais voltar’ at Adelina Cultural, in São Paulo, Brazil (2019); and ‘SP Arte – Showcase’ at Galeria Luis Maluf, in São Paulo, Brazil (2023).

Aline Bispo is part of the collections of the Museu de Arte de São Paulo (MASP) and the Museu de Arte Contemporânea do Rio Grande do Sul (MACRS).

1989, São Paulo, Brazil


Museu de Arte Contemporânea do Rio Grande do Sul (MACRS), Porto Alegre, Brazil [novembro]

 A Medicina Rústica: Pinturas de Aline Bispo, Galeria Luis Maluf, São Paulo, Brazil


Dos Brasis: Arte e pensamento negro, Sesc Belenzinho, São Paulo, Brazil
Karingana: Presenças negras no livro para as infâncias , Sesc Bom Retiro, São Paulo, Brazil
Romance Familiar, Espaço 8, São Paulo, Brazil
Mães – No imaginário da arte, Museu Afro Brasil Emanoel Araújo, São Paulo, Brazil

Mulheres que mudaram 200 anos, Caixa Cultural, São Paulo, Brazil
Obras – Acervo MACRS, Museu de Arte Contemporânea do Rio Grande do Sul (MACRS), Porto Alegre, Brazil
Exposição coletiva: acervo, Galeria Luis Maluf, São Paulo, Brazil
Contínua, Galeria Luis Maluf, São Paulo, Brazil

Ateliê aberto, Usina Luis Maluf, São Paulo, Brazil
Ocupação Olhares Inspirados: Raquel Trindade, Rainha Kambinda, Sesc 24 de maio, São Paulo, Brazil

O Instante já passou, Galeria Luis Maluf, São Paulo, Brazil

Tenho os olhos abertos, não posso mais voltar, Adelina Cultural, São Paulo, Brazil
Rastros, Centro Universitário Belas Artes, São Paulo, Brazil


Residência Artística, Usina Luis Maluf, São Paulo, Brazil


Quando eles chegam em casa eu fico feliz, Galeria Luis Maluf, São Paulo, Brazil

Curadora do Acervo, Instituto Ibirapitanga, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [atual]


Salvar o fogo, de Itamar Vieira Junior, Editora Todavia, São Paulo, Brazil
Festas, dramaturgias e teatros negros em São Paulo, de Jéssica Nascimento, EDUC – PUC-SP, São Paulo, Brazil

Devir Quilomba, de Mariléia de Almeida, Editora Elefante, São Paulo, Brazil
Vozes Afro-atlânticas, de Rafael Domingos Oliveira, Editora Elefante, São Paulo, Brazil
Santos de casa: Fé, crenças e festas de cada dia, de Luiz Antônio Simas, Bazar do Tempo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Serena Finitude, de Anelis Assumpção, Editora Veneta, São Paulo, Brazil

Doramar ou a Odisseia,  de Itamar Vieira Junior, Editora Todavia, São Paulo, Brazil
Sula, de Toni Morrison,  TAG Livros, Porto Alegre, Brazil

A talentosa Família Ribkins, de Ladee Hubbard, Editora paraLeLo13S, Salvador, Brazil
Dandara, de Amanda Julieta, Editora paraLeLo13S, Salvador, Brazil
The ABC’s of survival, de The National Black Child Development Institut (NBCDI), Silver Spring, United States
Por um feminismo afro-latino-americano, de Lélia Gonzalez, Companhia das letras, São Paulo, Brazil Aos dezesseis, de Annelise Heurtier, Editora do Brasil, São Paulo, Brazil
Dengos e zangas das mulheres moringa: vivências afetivo-sexuais de mulheres negras, de Bruna Cristina Jaquetto Pereira, Latin America Research Commons (LARC), Pittsburgh, United States

Torto Arado, de Itamar Vieira Junior, Editora Todavia, São Paulo, Brazil


Museu de Arte de São Paulo (MASP), São Paulo, Brazil
Museu de Arte Contemporânea do Rio Grande do Sul (MACRS), Porto Alegre, Brazil

Somatória de Forças [Sum Forces]