Inaugurated with the Artistic Residency project, in June 2021, the Usina Luis Maluf emerged as a space for fostering and encouraging artistic production in the Barra Funda region. Its main pillars are artistic training and access to art, considering itself a space for construction, debate, and access to the plurality of Brazilian culture.
The space is used both for the construction of ateliers during the Artistic Residency and the production of the artists represented by the Gallery, and for collective and individual exhibitions of the most diverse artistic languages. Artists such as Cranio, Finok, and Shizue Sakamoto have already had their exhibitions there.
Inaugurated with the Artistic Residency project, in June 2021, the Usina Luis Maluf emerged as a space for fostering and encouraging artistic production in the Barra Funda region. Its main pillars are artistic training and access to art, considering itself a space for construction, debate, and access to the plurality of Brazilian culture.
The space is used both for the construction of ateliers during the Artistic Residency and the production of the artists represented by the Gallery, and for collective and individual exhibitions of the most diverse artistic languages. Artists such as Cranio, Finok, and Shizue Sakamoto have already had their exhibitions there.