Finok is a visual artist, and through interventions in public spaces, Finok has established himself as one of the most prominent young names on the streets of the megacity of São Paulo. By re-reading visual elements incorporated into subcultures, the artist discusses the relationship between marginality, illegality, and social values, resignifying and bringing value to elements that are devalued.

In his paintings he produces figurative images, with popular, conceptual, and religious elements, mixed with geometric shapes and patterns that bring indigenous influences, carrying a contemporary meaning linked to borders and prisons. Her works take impulse in the color movements, sometimes vibrant and luminous, other times dim and strong.

Painting constitutes his major field of production, but elements such as sculpture appear, bringing a three-dimensionality that dialogues with issues related to miscegenation and contemporary slavery, mixing tones and different types of wood, with these materials being symbolically linked to the Brazilian cultural, religious, and popular history, giving rise to figures that have references to former votes, with inverted and modified meanings of the original interpretation.

The artist has participated in several group exhibitions in the country and also in places like the United States, Germany, Lebanon, and Russia. He has also exhibited his work individually in countries like England, Italy, and Portugal, besides the exhibitions in Brazil. Finok has also had his work exhibited in fairs and festivals and has several special projects around the world.

O Baile [The Ball]

Collective Exhibition
25 de Nov 2023 – 06 de Jan 2024

Galeria Luis Maluf
Rua Peixoto Gomide, 1887

SP-Arte 2022

SP-ARTE 2022
02 de abril – 13 de abril

Galeria Luis Maluf

Pavilhão da Bienal, Parque Ibirapuera (portão 3)
Estade G3


01 de Abr – 14 de Mai 2022

Galeria Luis Maluf
R. Peixoto Gomide, 1887, Jardins
Seg – Sex: 10h-19h
Sáb: 11h-17h

Finok is a visual artist, and through interventions in public spaces, Finok has established himself as one of the most prominent young names on the streets of the megacity of São Paulo. By re-reading visual elements incorporated into subcultures, the artist discusses the relationship between marginality, illegality, and social values, resignifying and bringing value to elements that are devalued.

In his paintings he produces figurative images, with popular, conceptual, and religious elements, mixed with geometric shapes and patterns that bring indigenous influences, carrying a contemporary meaning linked to borders and prisons. Her works take impulse in the color movements, sometimes vibrant and luminous, other times dim and strong.

Painting constitutes his major field of production, but elements such as sculpture appear, bringing a three-dimensionality that dialogues with issues related to miscegenation and contemporary slavery, mixing tones and different types of wood, with these materials being symbolically linked to the Brazilian cultural, religious, and popular history, giving rise to figures that have references to former votes, with inverted and modified meanings of the original interpretation.

The artist has participated in several group exhibitions in the country and also in places like the United States, Germany, Lebanon, and Russia. He has also exhibited his work individually in countries like England, Italy, and Portugal, besides the exhibitions in Brazil. Finok has also had his work exhibited in fairs and festivals and has several special projects around the world.

O Baile [The Ball]

Collective Exhibition
25 de Nov 2023 – 06 de Jan 2024

Galeria Luis Maluf
Rua Peixoto Gomide, 1887

SP-Arte 2022

SP-ARTE 2022
02 de abril – 13 de abril

Galeria Luis Maluf

Pavilhão da Bienal, Parque Ibirapuera (portão 3)
Estade G3


01 de Abr – 14 de Mai 2022

Galeria Luis Maluf
R. Peixoto Gomide, 1887, Jardins
Seg – Sex: 10h-19h
Sáb: 11h-17h