Licida Vidal

São Paulo, SP, 1984

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São Paulo, SP, 1984


Licida Vidal is a visual artist born in the mountains of the Paraíba Valley (SP). Now living on the border between the forest and the city, the artist traces her research away from the urban environment, investigating the conflicting relationship between humans and nature, the colonization of landscapes and the vulnerability of bodies and territories.

Through performative actions, photography, video and installations, her research crosses questions about the female gender and nature. The practice, inseparable from research, of ceramics led her first to sculpture. Her daily life with this fertile material, clay, led her to look for other, more fluid languages, following a desire to reveal the liquid part of the earth.

In her work, clay and water are still the main materials. These have a symbolic charge within the debate about interdependence, scale, territories, diversity and coexistence in the process of the collapse of the fossil fuel era.

The artist has already taken part in other artistic residency programs besides the Luis Maluf program: Respiro Rural Residency, Vozes Agudas Partnership, Ateliê 397 and Usina da Arte. She is also a member of the Vozes Agudas Collective, a group of studies and interventions with a feminist emphasis, together with Ateliê 397. Her work has already been shown in group exhibitions at SESC and in Visual Arts salons.

Licida’s work has been widely recognized and shown in various exhibitions. In 2023, her works were featured in “Histórias da Terra” at the Luis Maluf Gallery in São Paulo, and in “Zonas de Sombra” at the Pinacoteca Municipal de São Bernardo do Campo. In 2022, he took part in the exhibition “Estamos Aqui” at Sesc Pinheiros, in São Paulo, and in 2021, he presented “Dizer Não” at Ateliê 397, also in São Paulo.

O Baile [The Ball]

Collective Exhibition
25 de Nov 2023 – 06 de Jan 2024

Galeria Luis Maluf
Rua Peixoto Gomide, 1887


Nov 18th – Dez 17h 2022

Galeria Luis Maluf
Peixoto Gomide, 1887 – Jardim Paulista
Mon – Fri: 10am – 7pm
Sat: 11am – 5pm


25 de Fev – 13 de Out 2022

Usina Luis Maluf
Rua Brigadeiro Galvão, 996
Seg – Sex, 10h-19h
Sáb, 11h-17h

Licida Vidal is a visual artist brought up among the mountains of the Vale do Paraíba (SP). Now living on the border between forest and city, the artist traces her research away from the urban environment, investigating the conflicting relationship between human and nature, the colonization of landscapes and the vulnerability of bodies and territories.

Through performative actions, photography, video, and installations, her research crosses questions about the feminine gender and nature. The practice of ceramics, inseparable from her research, first led her to sculpture. Her daily life with this fertile material, clay, led her to seek other, more fluid languages, following a desire to reveal the liquid part of the earth.

In her work, clay and water are still the main materials. They have a symbolic charge within the debate about interdependence, scale, territories, diversity, and coexistence in the process of the collapse of the fossil fuel era.

The artist has participated in other artist residency programs besides Luis Maluf being: Parceria Vozes Agudas, Ateliê 397 and Usina da Arte. She is also a member of Coletivo Vozes Agudas, a group of studies and interventions with feminist emphasis, together with Ateliê397. Her work has been shown in group exhibitions at SESC and in Visual Arts Salons.

O Baile [The Ball]

Collective Exhibition
25 de Nov 2023 – 06 de Jan 2024

Galeria Luis Maluf
Rua Peixoto Gomide, 1887


Nov 18th – Dez 17h 2022

Galeria Luis Maluf
Peixoto Gomide, 1887 – Jardim Paulista
Mon – Fri: 10am – 7pm
Sat: 11am – 5pm


25 de Fev – 13 de Out 2022

Usina Luis Maluf
Rua Brigadeiro Galvão, 996
Seg – Sex, 10h-19h
Sáb, 11h-17h